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Sujok Therapy Level 4 - Six Ki 2, Full Course

This course is taught by Gold-Qualified Sujok Therapist and International Sujok Authorised Lecturer Rajshree Vora with real examples and case studies.

In the Sujok Therapy Level 4 Course - Six Ki 2, you will learn Sujok Diagnosis, advance use of five elements, Six Energies, Meridians, and Chakras for treatment. How to use main energies and go to branch, sub-branch of energies as per problem and symptoms. You will also learn to make Sujok constitution and protocol for teatment.

Scroll below to see Dates, Timing, languages, and Curriculum.

Detailed Sujok Therapy Level 4 (Six-Ki 2) Curriculum:

  • The concept of branch energies.

    • Applying treatment on the level of branch energies – harmonization of the quality of energy flow.

    • Using axial points of the Six Ki byol-meridians and byol-chakras for correction of the imbalance of the branch energies.

    • Constitution of branch energies: structure.

    • Diseases of internal organs from the viewpoint of their energy structures and dominating basic energies.

    • Clinical case studies to determine symmetrical constitutions of branch energies (structures).

    • Axial branch energy treatment considering the symmetrical structure of the energy on byol-chakras and byol-meridians.

    • Crossed constitutions of Six Energies and ways of their energy correction using byol-meridians and byol-chakras.

    • Crossed constitutions of unified, individual, and branch energies.

  • Hierarchy of energies.

    • Multilevel constitutions

    • The concept of the substructure

    • Stages of disease from the positions of 6 Ki

    • Treatment through substructure. The concept of «renting»

    • Rules for making a prescription

    • Regional and functional diagnosis for internal organs and systems of Wind, Heat, Hotness, Humidity, Dryness and Coldness

    • Six Ki classifications of the sense organs

    • Diagnostics of dominating energy by the sense organs

    • Diagnostics of branch energies by the sense organs

    • Regional (spatial) diagnostics of the body

    • Diagnostics by the face

    • Indications for applying treatment by chakras and meridians

    • Local treatment

    • Using seasonal and age-related diagnostics to determine the imbalance of branch energies. 

  • The historical value of the law of the Five Elements in Chinese natural philosophy.

    • The theory of the "6 Ki" in comparison with the conception of the Five Elements

    • Comparison of sense organs classifications by Five and Six elements

    • Points of Five Elements on meridians

    • Correlation of energies according to the functions of Five Elements

    • Map of the hand

    • Rules for making a prescription

    • Treatment through unified and individual energies using subjugation, anti-subjugation or a combined method

    • Treatment of acute and chronic diseases

    • The idea of energy constitution from the point of view of the law of Five Elements

    • Limitation of Five Elements approaches to the treatment

    • Other methods of using branch Six Energies: with color, light, seeds,  moxibustion, etc

    • Clinical case studies to determine symmetrically and crossed constitutions on all levels of the energy system

    • Review of the most complicated questions

    • Precautions & Hygiene

Dates, Timing, and Languages:

Dates: 3 to 8 April 2023

Timing: 2 to 5 pm IST

Difficulty Level: Easy

Languages: English, Hindi

    • Access to Rajshree Vora’s Sujok Club

    • Attend exclusive doubt-solving and knowledge-upgradation sessions

    • Informational support after the course - write to us anytime :)

    • Discounted Sujok Kits and Material

    • Live and interactive online classes on Official Sujok Global Platform

    • Class recordings available for up to thirty days

    • Advanced playback with speed control and powerpoint slides display

    • Interactive learning with powerpoint, group whiteboard, and virtual lazer pointer

    • Live chat with your instructor and ability to “Raise hand” to ask questions

    • Online Exam and Certification system

Lecturer: Rajshree Vora

Gold Qualified Sujok Therapist and ISA Authorised Lecturer, Global Project Manager, and Core Committee Member of International Sujok Association.

Procedure for joining this course:

  • Step 1

    • Click the Join button below

    • Fill the Enrollment Form

    • Purchase the Course

    • Recieve an order confirmation email

  • Step 2

    • Recieve all relevant information and introductory videos

    • A demo class will be taken two days before the course date

  • Step 3

    • Login and attend the live class at the given date and timings