Sujok Level 1 + 2 Full Course

Sale Price:₹19,999.00 Original Price:₹21,999.00

Combo Package of Sujok Level 1 and 2 at a discounted price.

Curriculum for the Sujok Level 1 course includes the theory of how and why Sujok Therapy works, various correspondence systems, how to find an accurate correspondence point for any muscle, bone, or organ in the body, how to use various treatment methods including Acupuncture, Acupressure, Seed Therapy, Moxa Therapy, and more.

In the Sujok Therapy Level 2 Course (Also known as Meridian Sujok Ki) you will learn about various Body Meridians, the Six Ki Energy System, the Law of Five Elements, the Four-Step Algorithm of applying Sujok Ki therapy by Byol Meridians, and more.

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