Sujok Therapy Level 1 Course
Enrollments Open
Enrollments Open ★
Difficulty Level: Easy
Languages: English & Hindi
About Sujok Therapy…
Sujok Therapy is a natural and drugless therapy that merges the power of Traditional Eastern Medicine with the Law of Similarity to produce quick and effective symptomatic relief for common ailments and pain.
Sujok Therapy was discovered by in 1987 by prolific South-Korean scientist, researcher, scholar, and philosopher Prof. Park Jae Woo who made it his life-goal to spread this knowledge across the world and create a pain-free civilisation.
Sujok Therapy is done by stimulating “Correspondence Points” on the hands and feet by various methods including Acupressure, Acupuncture, Meridian Treatment, Energy Treatment, Seed Therapy, Colour Therapy, Chakra Therapy, and More.
As discovered by Prof. Park Jae Woo, the entire body has representations in the Hands and Feet known as “Correspondence Points” — When these points are stimulated, it produces a curative effect in the body.
Learning Sujok is an invaluable skill which is immensely helpful treating your (and others’) day-to-day ailments such as allergies, pains, and so much more :)
Meet Rajshree Vora,
Gold Qualified Sujok Therapist and ISA Authorised Lecturer, Global Project Manager, and Core Committee Member of International Sujok Association.
Rajshree Vora was trained by the Founder of Sujok Therapy Dr. Prof. Park Jae Woo, and has over 28 years of experience with Sujok Therapy.

Sujok Therapy Course Reviews
Upcoming Sujok Therapy Courses
Sujok Therapy Level 1
Sujok Therapy Level 2
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Sujok Therapy Level 4
Articles and Publications about Sujok Therapy
Very effective in treating pain in the spine and articulations, Su Jok therapy can be practiced by mothers and fathers, and even by children.
Joad Puttermilech,
Sujok therapy has a great potential on controlling obesity. The therapy increases blood circulation and reduces the extra lipids. Thus, helps in managing your weight easily.
Neha Arora, The Times of India.
Su Jok therapy provides an effective treatment in reducing pain.
Intansari Nurjannah ET. AL., PubMed.Gov.